Memang untuk menjawab survey harus berbahasa inggris,tentu saja akan bermasalah bagi yang tidak bisa berbahasa inggris,tapi tenang nih saya kasih bocorannya kunci jawabannya(kayak ujian aja) aku juga dapatnya juga gratis kok.!
1.i like this web,its very conviniece for people who want visits this web,its very comfortable,so for more comfortable,the author of this web must
increase the contains of this web.I always follow you
Thank you
2.What a beautiful web!! I liked it very much,But there is one aspect which is must be is the appearance of this is too vulgar to see,it may people feel inconvience who want to see.
3.Oh that to bad.why does the web not active? It will make people who want visit feel inconvience
Actually,I think this web contain many information,but my diagnose is wrong. This web is not active and for my suggest,I hope this web can work again and the author can repair it as soon as possible
4.Oh it is same with website 1! It is can people not happy for condition,and for my suggest,I hope this web can work again,and the author can repair it as soon as posble. Repair it!
walaupun jawabanya diulang ulang tetap berlaku
makanya buruan gabung bersamaku ya KLIK DISINI
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